Black Moonstone Tumbled - 3.49
Lustrous tumbled Black Moonstones from India
Average Size: 2.0 x 2.4 cm
Average Weight: 0.43 oz
Black Moonstone: (Judy Hall) Black Moonstone is excellent for metaphysical pursuits of all kinds as it protects and opens up your energy field to higher vibrations. If you need a mentor or spiritual guardian, hold Black Moonstone and ask that a suitable guide comes to you from higher dimensions or in the physical realm. Holding a powerful connection to the Divine feminine, it links to the transformative energy of the Black Madonna or the Magdalene. Black Moonstone screens out the undesirable effects of electromagnetic emanations, especially mobile phones, computers and WiFi, and blocks radiation and X-rays. Assisting those who are emotionally over-sensitive, it filters the energetic information you pick up from other people so that you only perceive what is useful. Grid Black Moonstone around your home to attract abundance and to create a calm serene atmosphere. It stabilizes rocky relationships and assists during teenage angst. This stone strengthens concentration so use it for study or creativity. Physically, Black Moonstone increases your stamina and assists accident prone or dyspraxic children to be more focused with better co-ordination. It helps adults who have motor difficulties or lack concentration to better focus their attention. Black Moonstone is helpful for the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach and female reproductive organs. It may stimulate recovery from a stroke and be beneficial for Parkinson’s and similar diseases. Moonstone is traditionally used to balance the female hormonal cycle and assist during menopause.