Crystal Medicine

Blue Aragonite Palm - 34.99

Regular price $34.99

Blue Aragonite palm stone or gallet from Pakistak

Size: 6.2 x 3.7 cm

Weight: 3.44 oz

Blue Aragonite: (Robert Simmons) Blue Aragonite is good for calming disturbed emotions and enabling communication of one’s emotional state.  It enhances all levels of emotional perception and intensifies one’s enjoyment of all emotional states.  Blue Aragonite relieves the fear, which leads us to numb ourselves to the joys and sorrows of life and brings a renewed zest and courage for experiencing all of one’s feelings.  It is of great assistance in healing past and present emotional wounds. It allows one to fully embrace all that life brings, making it easier to see the beauty and perfection of both triumph and tragedy, love and loss, as well as all states in between.  BA intensifies one’s natural empaths and psychic abilities.  It is very useful to healers, psychic readers, medical intuitives or body workers.  Its vibrations are harmonious with the reiki energies.  This is an excellent stone to use in body layouts for self healing or activation of higher states of awareness.  BA also provides a stabilizing influence, so that one is not overwhelmed by intensified emotional receptivity and empathy for others.  It increases one’s capacities to handle strong energies of all types without experiencing stress.  It is an excellent stone for those with busy, challenging lives – those who choose to take on many responsibilities, but who wish to remain in touch with all their sensitivities.  It enhances insight and assists in communication with ‘higher’ sources of information and intelligence.  It can help one bring the heart and mind into a synchronous dynamic harmony which can enlarge one’s capacity for thought, communication, creativity and emotion.

(Naisha Ahsian) Blue Aragonite carries the energy of Wind and Water element, creating a channel for information from the higher realms to be expressed through the throat and heart chakras.  Its energy stimulates inner vision and one’s connection to guidance, and it soothes and opens the throat area so that one can effectively communicate spiritual information.  It is is an excellent stone for chanellers, psychics, or teachers of spiritual principles.  BA is very useful in supporting the practice of breathwork for emotional healing.  It is helpful in balancing the respiratory system, ameliorating asthma and bronchitis.  Its frequency stimulates inspiration and it is a powerful stone for reaching deep states of meditation.  BA stimulates the throat chakra, making it a good choice for those who are hesitant or who have difficulty expressing themselves because they are unable to find the right words to describe their ideas or feelings.  BA helps one to be more compassionate in their speech and attitudes.  It is excellent for singers, sound healers or others who use sound vibration to express the healing energy of the heart.  It is ideal for helping victims of verbal abuse find healing words and phrases to replace the hurtful words they tend to repeat in their internal dialogues. Affirmation: “I openly embrace the increase of my emotional and intuitive abilities.”

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