Unakite Wand - 39.99 - now 29.99
Crystal Medicine

Unakite Wand - 39.99 - now 29.99

Sale price $29.99 Regular price $39.99

Facetted Unakite wand with one terminated end and one rounded end

Average Dimensions: 13.5 x 2.1 cm

Average Weight: 3.8 oz

Source: India

Unakite: (Karen Osborne, 2015) Unakite is considered one of the supreme stones of the heart. Its energetic signature is one of Unity, Harmony, Co-operation and Peaceful Co-Existence. It is a beautiful combination of Pink Jasper and Green Epidote – two stones that have decided to grow together to achieve more in partnership than they could as individuals. As the name suggests, Unakite encourages humanity to unite in shared purpose and common goals for benefit of All. It’s a great stone for partnership – for teaming up with others - for pooling our resources, creativity, passion, talent, skill and vision.
Unakite teaches that now is the time to share your gifts with your community and beyond - perhaps even the entire world. You may find yourself attracting new and helpful people, resources and circumstances. You may be called to expand your work, your education and your sphere of influence. Collaboration is key to any action you take. We are stronger together than we are alone. Ask yourself, who do you need to work with to make the world a better place? It’s time to trust your decisions and abilities so that you can enter into partnership with other people. Who needs to be part of your team? Whose team can you become part of? As in ancient times, community creates a better future for All.
Unakite can assist the release of deeply held negative emotions in a slow and gentle way. Once the emotions are liberated Unakite begins the task of slowly but surely eliminating negative thought patterns and beliefs, freeing us of the behavioral patterns generated by them. Now is definitely an ‘out with the old and in with the new’ time to be alive. With a little help from Unakite, you can let go of the person you think you are, and open the way for a new, freer and more empowered you to emerge. It’s a time to be flexible, to entertain all points of view, and to be tolerant and forgiving. We can learn to bend with the wind and to welcome surprise. It’s a time for new directions and new people.
Unakite’s message of unity encourages constant gentleness and nurturing of oneself and others. It promotes kindness, understanding and living together in harmony. Unakite supports any effort that brings benefit to the entire community. All things are possible when our focus is on co-creating a future that is good for all life. Unakite can help us evolve our focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’. It helps us focus on our similarities, to find acceptance for what’s different, and to close gaps of understanding that keep us in separation.
Unakite is also a stone of vision and expansion. Let it help you to make those changes you know you need to make. It can help you take action and achieve any goals that has value for people. First, cleanse yourself and your environment to bring you the clarity you need to move forward on your path. Next, voice your dreams and act on them.
Consistent with its energy of new life and new beginnings, Unakite assists healthy pregnancies and recovery from serious illnesses. It can also help people bounce back from loss, misfortune and disappointment. It is also a wonderful stone for anyone who feels uncertain about the future or feels overwhelmed by present circumstances.
Try placing a few Unakite stones together in a bowl in your living space. It can bring harmony to your inner terrain and inspire peace and co-operation in your relationships. Once you’ve mastered peaceful co-existence within yourself and with the folks who are currently in your life, new opportunities to collaborate with others will begin to take shape.
Unakite can help us to remember, that we are all brothers and sisters – woven together in a beautiful tapestry of pink-green heart energy. It’s time to come together again. One breath, one heartbeat – it’s more than just a legend…
(Judy Hall) stone of vision; balances emotions with spirituality; promotes visualization and psychic vision; useful for grounding after meditation or psychic work; brings calm gentle energy to rooms; facilitates re-birthing; helpful in past-life healing; reaches root cause and gently brings it to the surface so it can be transformed; supportive in convalescence and recovery from major illness; aids healthy pregnancy, growth of skin tissue and hair; treats reproductive system

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