Pineal Decalcification and Third Eye Activation Course

 The pineal gland receives and transduces information from levels beyond the physical. It receives and acts as a truth sensor, helping to translate one's extrasensory perceptions so they may understand their meaning, and benefit from the direction and guidance they provide.

The majority of humans today are not utilizing the potential of the pineal gland. Our pineal glands are atrophied from underuse, and worse, they are calcified from exposure to toxins in our environment. 2000 years ago people had fully functioning pineal glands. The pineal gland was the same size as a physical eyeball and was truly a third eye.

The good news is that the pineal gland responds positively to dietary changes, breathing and meditative techniques. This course teaches you methodologies to decalcify your pineal gland and return it to optimal function and health. Learn what psychic ability is and how to develop the abilities you were born with.