Crystal Medicine

Malachite Palm - 42.99

Regular price $42.99

Polished Malachite palm stone or gallet

Size: 4.8 x 2.6 cm

Weight: 1.60 oz

Malachite: Malachite is a true solar plexus stone.  It is excellent for overcoming ego, encouraging responsibility and stepping into personal power. It absorbs electromagnetic and radiation pollution and other forms of negative energies from the body, aura and environment. It strengthens the aura, helps one to sense danger and brings a cloak of psychic protection.  Malachite has been called a stone of transformation, adventure, risk taking and change.  It helps one to break old limiting patterns by releasing deep emotional traumas, even ancient ones from past-lives.  It helps one to breath deeply into the diaphragm and has been traditionally used as a childbirth and midwifery stone.  It is also excellent for easing cramps, reducing pain, inflammation and treating sexual disease.  Malachite heals on emotional and physical levels, detoxifies, and boosts the immune system.

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