Sand Calcite Natural - 1.99
Natural Sand Calcite Crystals from Rattlesnake Butte, South Dakota, USA - collected in 1963
Average Size: 2.5 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm
Average Weight: 0.09 oz
Sand Calcite: (Athena Sage Goddess) Sand Calcite has a gentle, high vibration stone that works with the Earth’s majestic energy. Sand Calcite forms when calcium carbonate crystallizes in sand. Each one is like a beautiful capsule that captures the array of possibility surrounding us. Just holding one of them soothes me immediately. I like to hold a piece in each hand to create a sense of equilibrium. Sand calcite brings feelings of peace and well-being and removes negative energy. It raises vibrations more gently than quartz, while fueling growth, creativity, and optimism about life.