Crystal Medicine

Datolite Natural - 29.99

Regular price $29.99

Natural Porcelanous pink and grey Datolite stones from Missouri, USA. One side is polished to reveal the veined interior. The rest of the stone is left natural.

Average Weight: 0.18 oz

Average Dimensions: 1.5 cm x 2cm; shape is irregular

Datolite: (sagegoddess) Datolite is a superior bridging tool, as it resonates and works the heart, solar plexus and crown chakras - clearing and opening them for greater spiritual awareness. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the highest of our three lower chakras, which root us to the physical and material planes. The Crown is the highest of the three upper chakras still contained in our physical body, which connect us with our Higher Self. The Heart Chakra serves as the bridge, the connection, between our lower and Higher natures. So, a stone that works with all three, clearing the connections between them, is bound to be extra special.  Datolite is wonderful for deep connection to Higher Consciousness, facilitating ancestral knowledge from all of your lives on Earth, helping to reveal your true soul purpose. It aids in mental clarity, creativity, problem solving, helping to increase your memory, especially things that are important! And, my favorite aspect – this crystal allows your heart to grow closer to your loved ones, pulling you closer physically to those you love. It helps to accept the change that occurs in your lives and to know that “this, too, shall pass.” Because it carries such a strong connection with our ancestral family, this can be a great tool if you are looking to work through and heal trans-generational traumas. If you partake in deep work with your Higher Self, and past lives, this is a stone for you.

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