Crystal Medicine

Copper Pendant - 64.99

Regular price $64.99

Copper in matrix teardrop shape cabochon in sterling silver bezel setting

Size: : 3.4 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm

Weight: 0.23 oz

Copper: (Melody) combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and non-acceptance of oneself; can stimulate initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence; awakens need to seek and release all restrictions within the self; frees orthodoxy and bias; excellent for policy making; brings luck; good for blood and cellular structures, circulation, metabolic stimulation; cleanses wounds, treats bacterial infection, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism; helps clear heavy metal toxicity

(Karen Osborne) powerfully moves electrical energy in the body; is excellent for any system that is slow or experiencing stagnation of any kind; Copper is very Yang in nature; it is very stimulating to all systems; helps one to be assertive in a balanced, healthy way; helps one to be productive and get going!

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