2-Year Crystal Shamanism Program

NEW GROUPS START the 2-Year Crystal Shamanism Program Annually, usually in mid or late September.

Intake 2024: Module 1 is the weekend of September 27-29. We will schedule Modules 2-8 when we are together as a group.

Delivery: in-person or online using Zoom Video Communication
Teacher: Karen Osborne, originator of the program

Lanuage: English
Registration or Information:Email: karen444osborne@yahoo.comPhone or Text: 613-470-1888

Starting Mid-Stream: If you missed the start date, it is sometimes possible to do a Make-Up of Module 1 and then join the group at  Module 2.

Course Application Link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc--jIXEBvP9BND2kHxzm5aY4vVrYCzZcy0TCHSJDFDDS1QqA/viewform?usp=share_link

Course Information

This Certification Program is completed over a period of approximately 2 years and provides full training to become a Crystal Shamanic Healer.  No previous experience is required to enroll.  Your goal may be to become a healer by profession or you may take the training purely for your own personal healing and growth.  If you do choose the path of service, you will be well prepared for it.

The course is designed to help you grow as a person in every way - to help you become more grounded, centered and energetically stable, and of course, to remember who you are.  You will learn tools that help you heal and tap into your true potential.  When issues come up in your life, you will know how to resolve them by changing the belief systems of your inner landscapes through shamanic journeying.  You will also be able to help others in the same effective and powerful ways.

Another benefit of being in the program is that you become part of a community of like-minded people or spiritual family.


Basically, I will be sharing with you everything that I know about healing.  You will learn to combine Energy Medicine, Crystal Healing and Shamanic Journeying in ways that are easy to learn and extremely effective when applied.  My goal is to retain the power and beauty of ancient universal principles and wisdom while bringing simplicity and accessibility to healing work.  (The course outline follows).

The Program consists of 8 Modules in total.   All Modules include extensive notes, including journey scripts to get you started.

You will also be given Medicine Rites for each Module.  Medicine Rites are a type of energetic transmission or attunement given to help open you to greater spiritual attainment.


Modules are scheduled 3 or 4 months apart to allow for practice and integration.

Modules are always scheduled on weekends.

Class Hours are always the same: Friday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Sunday 9:00 AM - 6PM

Modules Titles:

·      Module 1 - Healing Basics ~ Foundational Energy Medicine Practice

·      Module 2 - Shamanic Journeying

·      Module 3 - Healing with Crystals

·      Module 4 - Entities

·      Module 5 - Soul Retrieval, Animal Medicine and Healing Animals

·      Module 6 – Sorcery & Shadow

·      Module 7 - Karma/Akashic Records and Ancestral Healing

·      Module 8 - Life Transition ~ Moving Beyond


Each Module costs $333.00 + HST.  You pay as you go.

Module 2 is pre-requisite for Modules 4 to 8.

Any Module can be repeated for ½ price.

Module 1: Healing Basics ~ Foundational Energy Medicine Practice

Creating Sacred Space

Smudging with Sacred Plants

Core Guidelines and Tenants of the Program

Your Aspirations as students of the Program

Overview of Shamanism

Medicine Rites

Pod Medicine Attunement (Healing Frequency from Dolphins and Whales)

Working with Hz Frequencies

Working with frequencies of Colour

Working with Clients – Listening + Identifying Issues

Left Eye-to-Left Eye (Soul Seeing)

Locating/Clearing Energetic Blockage or Stagnation in the Aura

The Human Chakra System

Chakra and Meridian Cleansing (repair, realignment, resizing, spin speed, colour, etc.)

Extraction of Energetic Intrusions

Energetic Realignment

Power Objects

Working with the Breath 

Module 2: Shamanic Journeying

Journeying Clients and Self to the Source of an Issue

Basic Journeying Practice and abbreviated Journey Protocols 


Learning the Life Lesson

Healing Belief Systems

Crystals that Assist the Journeying Process and Forgiveness

Distant Healing

Module 3: Healing With Crystals ~ The Laying on of Stones

Introduction to Crystals – How they Work – How to Work with them

Clear Quartz

Intuitive Work with Crystals – Reading from the Crystal Realms

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

Crystal Layouts ~ The Laying on of Stones

Crystal Wand Work

Etheric Surgery with Crystals 

Module 4: Entities, Intrusions and Implants 

What are Entities?

Types of Entities and Astral Fragments

How Entities Attach

How to Protect Yourself from Entity Attachment

Effects of Entities on Moods, Behaviors, Health and Beliefs

Healing and Extracting Entities/Crossing Entities Over

Extracting Entities using Crystals

Crystals that help Prevent Entity Attachment

Clearing/Healing Buildings and Land

Module 5: Soul Retrieval

Basic Soul Retrieval Ceremony – Healing and Reclaiming Soul Parts

Ceremony to heal Abandoned Soul Parts

Empowerment Ceremony

Power Animal Totems

Power Animal Retrieval

Shadow Animal Retrieval

Journey to the Animal Realms on behalf of Ailing animals

How to Heal Animals

Crystals that Aid Soul Retrieval

Module 6: Sorcery

What is Sorcery?

Healing Sorcery – Intentional/Unintentional/ Amateur/Professional

Healing Sorcery we have done to Others

Empowerment/Cord Cutting Ceremony

Bindings and Implants

Healing The Shadow Self

Protection from Sorcery

Crystals that Transmute Negative Energies

Crystals for Protection and Purification

Module 7: Healing Karma

What is Karma?

Ceremony to Work with Akashic Records ~ Healing Karma

Healing Ancestors/Blood and Energetic Lines

Buddhist and Hindu approach to Karma 

Negotiating Karma on behalf of others

Planting Seeds of Destiny

Working with Timelines

Crystals that Heal Karma 

Module 8: Life Transition

 Final Death Rites

Healing Fear of Death Ceremony

Crossing Earthbound Spirits ~ Psychopomp

Spirit Communication (Mediumship)

Helping People to Prepare for Transition

Helping people to Die Consciously

Awakening, Seeding the DNA/Birthing Ceremony

Crystals that Help with Life Transition

Fire Ceremony